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Diffuser Pack

The “Sigma Diffuser Package” is a package of Autodesk Revit add-ins that aims to save MEP engineers and designer tremendous time by eliminating some of the most repetitive and time consuming diffuser related tasks. This tools will help during the whole life cycle of the project.

The pack includes the following tools;



The diffuser parameter binder is a tool that adds the necessary parameters to air terminals. It eliminates the need for a shared parameter file and automates the lengthy process of parameter addition by reducing it to a mere single click operation.



The diffuser placement tool is, as its name suggests, a tool that automates the distribution of diffusers over selected space. This tool is able to distribute up to a thousand diffuser in less than a minute, a process which conventionally take several hours of work.

  • Supply diffusers are placed based on a user defined throws value. 

  • Return diffusers are distributed based on the required return airflow and in a way that they are closest to the space doors.

  • Exhaust diffusers are placed on the centers of the spaces that require air extraction, such as toilets.



The “diffusers to ceilings” tool detects the ceiling to which the diffuser should be moved to and moves the diffuser to its corresponding ceiling. It supports model and linked ceilings and is able to detect the correct ceiling height and level. It proves to be crucial in several instances, especially whenever a Revit link is reloaded and a ceiling has been moved up or down, and the diffuser is not ceiling or work plane based, or the diffuser is and has lost association to its ceiling.



The “Space CFM To Diffusers” is a tool that would round the space specified airflows based on the user input, divide and round that flow over the corresponding diffusers based on the system classification of these diffusers’ systems (or connectors) and on the space they belong in. It would avoid all the arithmetic involved in this distribution and the manual modification of that flow in each diffuser, and thus maintain a consistency between the specified space flows and the diffuser flows. This tool also includes an option for automatic flow update, where the diffuser flows are automatically checked against their respective space flows every 10 seconds in the background while, thus making sure that the diffuser flows are properly updated whenever new diffusers are added to a space or the specified space airflow is updated by the user in a realtime way.



The ceiling grid alignment tool makes sure that the diffusers are centered and rotated so that they are properly coordinated with the ceiling pattern and its orientation. It also checks for other ceiling-mounted elements (lighting fixtures, speakers, motion sensors…) and coordinates the diffuser position with these elements so that they are not overlapping. It has the ability to process a thousand diffusers in less than a minute, a task previously extremely tedious and time-consuming.



This tool creates new systems based on user parameter input and adds diffusers to the newly created systems automatically. It automatically detects the system classification required for each diffuser based on the system classification of its connector and sets its system accordingly. The system name is based on the user input as the tool check the “Diffuser Fan” parameter for this name, which is why this tool requires the “Diffuser Parameter Binder” to be run beforehand, and requires user action on filling this parameter, which can easily be achieved through an air terminal schedule. An option is available for supply diffusers that enables system naming based on the “Zone Name” of the diffuser space, thus saving him/her even more time.


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